
A.2 - The Support Scope

The Support Scope governs all routine aspects of ecosystem support, including governance process infrastructure and management, Star support and Ecosystem Actor support.
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This Article governs the Resilience Fund and defines infrastructure and processes to support legal risk management and legal governance.
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This Section manages the Resilience Fund (also “RF”) and other infrastructure for legal risk management and legal governance.
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This document defines the resources available for legal defense. Over time, it can include both Sky Governance-controlled assets and external third-party resources and may be used to cover additional risks.
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The Lawyer Registry (also “LR”) is a registry of specialized Ecosystem Actors who are qualified to perform legal work for Sky Ecosystem or participants in the Sky Ecosystem, including, but not limited to, legal representation or legal defense.Lawyers will be onboarded in the Lawyer Registry covering at least the areas specified in .